Ah, privatizing social security. I'll confess that I'm not necessarily in favor of this even though I don't entirely understand it. I don't trust the market or the Republicans. What happens to the person who made bad decisions and lost their invested social security?
Kerry certainly isn't being shy about his opposition to privatizing social security. "An invitation to disaster." Ouch, Kerry's hitting cuts in benefits and that will scare lots of retired and about to retire people.
Good, Kerry is talking about his record. He's gonna protect social security, but at least he doesn't have a lock box.
The moderator is hitting the scariest question for any politician - Greenspan says you'll have to cut benefits. Will you or will you leave it as a problem for someone else? No-one wants to touch this.
Interesting that Kerry is almost saying that Bush took the elderly's social security money and gave it the wealthy. Geez, that's harsh. Maybe true in a way, though.
Okay, I'm guessing we'll get some sarcasm from Bush.
Bush: "I forgot to tell you he, uh, voted to tax social security benefits more than one time. I didn't hear any plan to fix social security.
Did Bush really just say that most of the tax cuts went to the lower and middle class? Please. He really thinks we're stupid, doesn't he?
And now Bush is blaming job losses and the economy on an inherited recession. And now we've got that small business distortion again.
Immigration: Bush is vvulnerable on this. He gave a fast initial answer, but he had that smirk thing going. "It's a subject I'm very familiar with." Too close to "I know how these people think," and "I know what we need to do."
WOW. He's pushing that temporary working card again. That's risky. It's one of those ideas that sounds great on the surface but is bear to implement. It's got a three year expiration date as originally proposed. What do illegal immigrants do in year 4? No amnesty. Get the temp card and you kiss off a green card. Doesn't work.
Good. Kerry hit the fact that any tax break got eaten by cost increases, state tax increases, et al.
Kerry's proposal that we crack down on illegal hiring isn't quite realistic, I think. Whose gonna pick lettuce? Or pay $6 a head if Americans do it?
Bush says Kerry doesn't understand how the borders work. Kerry's response: 4000 people a day coming across the border.
Kerry's going for the jugular. Bush is turning down 90 plus million women in favor of rich people. Geez, that's harsh.
Kerry's talking with real conviction when he talks about the minimum wage. He's almost passionate. It's good to see.
Bush seems to believe that education is the answer to every job problem. What the f**k is the NCLB going to do for the single mother who can't pay her rent, take her kid to the doctor, get child care. This is crap. He's fundamentally out of touch with the needy in our society. You don't solve immediate needs with long term solutions. You need short-term solutions to cover the time while the long term solutions begin to work.
Bush shirked the question of whether he supported overturning Roe vs Wade.
Kerry: "We have a long distance to travel in fairness in this country." He's singing my song, here.
As for NCLB, I work in educational technology and I"ll tell you that NCLB requirements significantly increased school costs at the same time that 27 plus states cut state funding for education. NCLB is an underfunded mandate. I've watched my industry suck wind, seen businees crater. Try going into a school with a product they need to meet NCLB requirements - tests, tutoring, professional dev't - and figure out how to respond when they tell you they just cut teachers or they may go to a shorter school year because they can't fund the standard 180 day year. These programs have a huge impact on real people's lives. NCLB isn't the solution to unemployed or underpaid adults. It's not even a solution for ensuring our kids learn what they need to. (Okay, I'm off my soap box now.)
And Bush's response: "Only a liberal senator from Massacuhussetts would say a 49% increase in funding for education is not enough." Federal funding for education is only 7% of the total funding for education so it doesn't make that much difference, does it. Kerry is right, it's not about % increases, it's about whether or not it works.
The question about providing relief to the guard was a soft ball for Kerry. But I can't believe Bush said that the guardsmen and women didn't see the extended duty and stop loss as a burden but they saw it as an opportunity to defend the country. (Um, have you talked to them?)
Bush is saying that Republicans and Democrats were against the assault weapons ban so he couldn't do anything even though he supported it. Whaaa? Nice spin, but debunkable, I think. Kerry accurately says (in my opinion) that it was a failure of presidential leadership. Nice, Kerry describes himself as a former law enforcement officer. (He had to do something about telling everyone during the last debate that he was a lawyer.)
I didn't expect affirmative action to come up in the debate. Kerry's doing okay - I support it, don't support quotas, we've made progress but have a long way to go, it applies to women as well as minorities. And a slam on Bush for not meeting with the NAACP, the congressional Black Caucus, civil rights leaders.
I'm curious to hear Bush on this. Okay, he says he's met with the black caucus and doesn't believe in quotas. Bu, SURPRISE! It's all about education. Sigh. He's making a mistake here. A big one, I think. And now on to small business, home ownership, yada, yada, yada. What about affirmative action?
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